Welcome to my webpage!
Hi, I'm Val and this mess you're looking at is mine. I'm an adult living in the United States. I'm a big nerd with an interest in history, the life sciences, fantasy worlds, music (especially metal), old TV and movies, and probably some other things too. In the future, I will have a bunch of projects hosted on this site directly, and a couple are already in the sidebar. Here are some of my many links:
Media sites
Clicker games
Latest updates:
3/8/24: I added another piece of art to my gallery. Will probably get around to some more serious updates eventually...
12/5/23: I redid my Homestuck pages. There's now a main Homestuck directory leading to Freshjamz and also to a new NOVAD section!
12/4/23: I have a basic art gallery up now. I really need to spend some more time drawing soon...
12/3/23: The Freshjamz list has been ported over!
11/29/23: I finished the Sega Saturn page! I also added some photos to the Adventure! page, but it still needs some more work.